Belonging to and becoming a member of St. Gregory's

Just as in other organizations, At St. Gregory's, people 'belong' at different levels of participation.  However, because we are a church and not a fraternal organization, we do make some requests of the people that choose to worship with us and ultimately become members.

If you are new to the Episcopal Church it is important for you to know that Baptism is the primary sacrament of initiation into the church. Our church recognizes any baptism that is administered with water, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Baptism is a one-time sacrament. You will not be asked to "be baptized" again even though your baptism was through another denomination.

If you are baptized, you are welcome to come to communion.

If you are baptized and wish to become a member of the parish, your Baptismal Record must be entered in the parish register. Once that information is recorded you are a full member of the parish with all rights and responsibilities that go along with that membership.

If you have previously been a member of an Episcopal Church elsewhere, it is requested that you ask for a Letter of Transfer to be sent to St. Gregory's from that parish so that your membership will be current.

Confirmation is a liturgical rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop (Book of Common Prayer p 860). The diocese has implemented a new process for Confirmation.  Those wishing to be confirmed will be trained over a 3 years period.  There are expectations of the candidates and confirmation itself will be done together with other candidates from throughout the diocese.  In this diocese it is expected that all baptized members of a parish over 16 years old be confirmed, and make that commitment to Christ through the life and ministry of their particular parish.

Those who have been baptized and made an adult commitment in another Christian denomination may be "Received" into the Episcopal Church by our bishop. Those who have previously been confirmed and active in the church and for some reason became inactive, have the opportunity to be "Reaffirmed" by our bishop and welcomed back into active ministry.  Many people find this process meaningful and symbolic of their individual Christian journey.

Being a part of our parish means that you take seriously the responsibilities of membership. "The duty of all Christians is to follow Christ; to come together week by week for corporate worship; and to work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God" (Book of Common Prayer p 856).

Being a part of our church calls us to be stewards of God; to give of our time, talent and treasure for the benefit of Christ through St. Gregory's. Becoming involved in a specific ministry, and making a financial pledge are the most common ways our members express their commitment. What we intentionally do and what we give through our parish are tangible expressions of our spiritual commitment to God.

Come join us. There is a place for you here!