Dear Friends,
Just a short message. I have been asked to write Process Policy for the Commission on Ministry and that has been keeping me occupied. It has been a challenge for many of the people in leadership positions of the church, and even for some sitting in the pews, that we do not have a Bishop. Bishop Skip finished with us the end of last month. It would be good for us to keep in our prayers those who this impacts. I know the question was raised in one of my Seminary classes, “Do we need a Bishop?” It led to an interesting discussion. When a diocese is in a place as we are right now, the answer to that question is “yes”. There needs to be a person in charge who holds the authority of the place. We are all feeling it. And I, as Co-Chair of the COM, am in the midst of it.
There are many sick and hurting people in our midst and in our extended families right now due to illness, and aging challenges. Please pray for them. If you do not receive the Prayer Chain please let Renee know and she will put you on the email list. If you don’t have email but would still like the prayer chain sent to you, let her know so she can have the office send you the list through the mail. If you are interested in being on our visiting team for those who are homebound please let me or Deacon Linda know.
Take good care of yourself as we peak in this flu+ season. If you need anything, let the church know. We will do our best to help out.
Warmly, with love and with many blessings,
Mother Lily+